Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Playdate CHANGE for Tomorrow

Hi ladies!

Well the weather is just not cooperating for us (boo!) because tomorrow it is supposed to be thunderstormy and rainy, so we're just going to avoid dealing with it altogether instead of having to cancel another playdate at the last minute.

So here's the new and improved plan:

We are going to move our playdate tomorrow to The Big Backyard in New Berlin from 10-noon. (They do open at 9am, so if you'd like to show up earlier that's okay too.) The address is: 2857 S. 160th Street, New Berlin. 262-797-9117 Their website is: Feel free to check it out, especially if you've never been there before. It's a really fun place, especially for those of us with pretty active kiddos... Oh, and I'll have my cell phone with me too if you need to get ahold of me in the morning - 414.791.3512.

We get a group rate which is $5/child (for kids over 1), kids under 1 and moms are free! You just need to tell them that you're with the Spring Creek MOM's group at the front desk when you're signing in to get the reduced rate.

The special this month is that when visiting, you'll also receive a $2 off coupon to use before September 30th.

Also ~ it may be sandals weather, but don't forget to bring SOCKS for both yourself and your kiddos! Otherwise, you'll have to buy some there.

And - on another note - hopefully you all have received or will be receiving a letter from us with details regarding next year's M.O.M. program, we hope you're as excited as we are about what God has in store for us all in the year ahead!

Hope to see you tomorrow!!

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