Monday, January 10, 2011

Childcare update

Moms on a Mission ~

If you've got preschoolers that you'll be bringing to M.O.M. on Tuesdays, please see the info below from Jamie Poelzer, our childcare coordinator.

See y'all on Tuesday morning!
Come ready for a fun craft day and some great fellowship!!
Amy Gruetzmacher :)

Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: Can you send this reminder?

Hello Ladies,

It is time to begin our time together in WOW/MOM for this new year of 2011. I just want to send out a few numbers to you as the keeper of your children and the taker of your money:) You will have the option to pay in two ways: monthly or for the entire semester. This semester we have 17 weeks total which means that for those of you with one child it would be $85 to pay for the entire semester and $170 for those of you with two or more children. If you choose to pay per month, there are only three weeks in January that we will be meeting which means: $15 for those of you with one child and $30 for those of us with two or more children.

Again, regardless of whether you are in attendance or not, you are still required to pay because I still need to be able to pay the wonderful people who watch your children week in and week out. Also, we have hit the runny noses, hacking coughs, and exciting flu time of the year. If your child has been sick, please keep them home and don't share their yuckiness! If you have to put your child on antibiotics for something contagious, please make sure they have been on it for at least 24 hours so that we can avoid passing it around to the entire room! Sorry for the common sense reminder, but from the nurse in makes me feel better!

Please feel free to email with questions!

Jamie Poelzer

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