Sunday, January 16, 2011

Craft Supplies

Hello Ladies!

I am so happy to hear so much positive feedback about this week’s craft. I am really glad that you all liked it and really hope you now use it to remind you to pray for your husbands! As I guessed would happen, I got home on Tuesday to have the pictures (prayer cards) waiting for me on the front porch! Yay Fed Ex! I will have them for you at the next meeting, thank you for your patience! (and remember always ship UPS) ;)

There have been a lot of requests for the craft supplies from ladies who missed the craft weeks and I just wanted to take a minute to address these concerns. Unfortunately, if you are not able to attend a craft week, we will not be able to provide you with the supplies for that craft. Countless hours of preparation go into each craft week and to ask that additional work be done to try and make sure every lady that missed a craft week gets her supplies is just not possible. I apologize if this upsets anyone, but we work very hard to make sure we stay on a tight budget with MOM and we try to keep the costs down . Part of what we do to achieve that is to return any unused supplies. We don’t keep “extras” on hand. Even if there are unreturnable supplies leftover, Deanna works really hard to use them towards future crafts. There are also many supplies we use that we are just not able to divide up. I know that its disappointing when you have to miss a craft week but I hope you understand our reason for not being able to make those crafts available after a craft week is finished.

Thank you so much for your understanding! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

~Brianne Haust

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